Litigation Risk Intelligence

Our litigation risk intelligence consulting services offer interested parties a tool that can be used to measure the probability that a company or a government suffers financial and reputational damage as a result of current or future legal proceedings. Simply put, these services focus exclusively on evaluating the probability that a legal event will occur and prepare investors, would-be investors and company executives (or government officials) to make educated decisions in terms of managing their overall risks.

Economic globalization has naturally increased the number of legal disputes against foreign companies and sovereign nations who have securities trading in the international capital markets. Even the smoothest-running firms and leanest governments have had their fair share of disputes. These disputes are the result of multiple actions or inactions, and may escalate very quickly. In a litigation loving society, the ability of an executive or government official to understand that the best way to minimize any type of legal risk is to avoid it, is welcomed by shareholders, creditors and overall stakeholders.

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